FH mechanical screen :
Lchannel Width(Max): 3mUchannel Depth(Max): 10mDfiltering gap: 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20mm, etc.Inclination referred to vertical:60°~80°Othe teeth belt cleaning the screening continuously and cuttingdown most of the polluting loadDthe teeth are made of plastic material(nylon). Stainless steel$$304 or SS316L is available as optionDmaterial of frame can be made of either carbon steel, galvanizedsteel, or stainless steelCapacity of one unit is up to10,000 m /h
GL mechanial screen :
Uchannel Width ( Max ) : 3machannel Depth ( Max ) : 10mFiltering gap : 10 , 15 , 20mm , eteInclination referred to vertical : 60-80Lback rake design , against clogging of driving chainMaterial frakes : carbon steel epoxy painted , carbon steel hotdip galvanization , stainless steel SS304 or SS3I6LOmaterial of frame : carbon steel epoxy painted , carbon steel hotdip galvanization , stainless steel SS304 or SS3161Othe capacity of one unit is up to10 , 000 m'h
GJW Mechanical screen
Perforated plate dissociation up to 2mmOheavy duty type stainless steel drag chainMaintaince free , no submerged bearingalong life stainless steel perforated plate , no need replacefilter parts frequentlyAdjustable efficient washing device , seit for removingfibre solids from waterLigh flow rate , low water-head lostLlow power consumption , low flush waterO with efficient washing brush at the back of the screenmost of the solids could be brushed to conveyor Automaticwashing device could perfectly clean the perforated plate holeFront and back full closed design , back chute direetly connectedwith inlet of conveyorDoption : timing or differential level sensor control