1 PT type PAM automatic continuous dosing machine :
PAM automatic polymer preparation unit is an integrated equipment that prepares PAM powder into 0.05--0.2% concentration PAM solution continuously
It could be applied for PAM preparation and dosage ,The users need to put powder ito feeder directly and the
powder will be dissolved , diluted , aged ,and dosed automatically .No manual operation in the whole process . PAM powder enters into mixing chamber by feeder unit ,mixed with water and enters into solution chamber.Then the mixing solution will become uniform concentration, finally enters into storage chamber and dosed by metering pump.
2 PRF A pipe mixing reactor :
PRF is hydraulic mixing device , providing reaction kinetic energy by hydraulic head pressure , changing the G value and the reaction time by transforming pipe diameter and length .
characteristic :
short reaction time
reacton in closed pipe , clean and maintenance free , small foot print ;
3 PM Static pipe mixing reactors :
PM static pipe mixing reactor is a hydraulic mixing device , installed numbers of stationary mixing unit , water flow and polymet are split and changed to to vortex by mixed unit .
4 paddle mixing reactor :
Paddle mixing chemical reactor:
paddle mixing reactor includes single tank, double tanks, multiple tanks : cpacity from 3m3--5m3--10m3--20m3--303--40m3--50m3--60m3--70m3--80=m3--100m3
enough reaction time and clear reaction process , sitiring intensity adjust by stiring speed .
